OMR Paper Correction and Answer Correction Tool
Most competitive exams today have OMR answer sheets. Prepare your students to practice like the real exam without adding any hassle to your paper setting or paper correction efforts.
- Set papers instantly with our Paper Setter tool.
- Download the OMR answer sheet corresponding to the paper saved.
- Print the answer sheet for each student. Make sure the quality of printing is good.
- Distribute the question paper and answer sheet to students and let them take the test.
- Collect the OMR answer sheet and scan them to your computer.
- Select the OMR answer sheets to be corrected from MyClassAdmin Software and let them be uploaded. The sheets will automatically be corrected.
- Re-upload any wrongly scanned answer sheets or print the result.
- Using their logins, students can view the results of their tests instantly as you uploaded the scanned answer sheets to this system.

- Error free paper correction.
- MyClassAdmin OMR Paper Correction Tool helps to Reduced hassle to correct the answer sheets, count marks and generate result.
- Distributing results not required.
- Student/Parents are happy since they get results for each tests almost immediately at the same time they are also answering tests similar to real exam.
- You save lot of time and resources spent of these tests and conduct greater number of practice exams for your students.
- Instant test correction for all MCQ papers
- Download OMR answersheet
- Upload student's answersheet
- Evaluate answersheets within few minutes.
- Get detailed test results
Student Details and Paper Setter package for MCQ questions is a pre-requisite for Online Tests.AlSO VIEW :
- Automatic Question Paper Generator
- Attendance Management Software
- Android Apps
- Student/Class Management Software
- OMR Paper Correction
- Student Parent App & Notification
- Notes
- Live Interactive Lectures with Recording
- Online Assignment Submission Software
- Fee Management System
- Customised Paper Generator Software